2 December 2018
Christmas Wonder - Conductor
3:00 PM
William Ferris Chorale
John Tavener (1944-2013) A Christmas Round (1990)
Tavener Today the Virgin (1989)
Seán Doherty (1987-) Blessed Be That Maid Marie (2012)
Thomas Slawson (1977-) Lullay My Liking (2005)
Herbert Howells (1892-1983) Here Is the Little Door (1918)
Howells A Spotless Rose (1919)
Howells Sing Lullaby (1918)
Howells Long, long ago (1959)
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël
O magnum mysterium (1952)
Quem vidistis pastores dicite (1951)
Videntes stellam (1951)
Hodie Christus natus est (1952)
Carol Barnett (1949-) Hodie (1998)
Bob Chilcott (1955-) Advent Antiphons (2004)
O Sapientia
O Adonai
O Radix Jesse
O Clavis David
O Oriens
O Rex gentium
O Emmanuel
Gwyneth Walker (1947-) The Christ-child's Lullaby (1988)
Tavener Awed by the Beauty from The Veil of the Temple (2001)
César Alejandro Carrillo (1957-) Ave Maria (1999)
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) A Hymn to the Virgin (rev. 1934)
William Mathias (1934-1992) Hodie Christus natus est (1990)